Saturday, February 21, 2009

Got Lent?

As the final Sunday before Ash Wednesday dawns, the Cardinal of the South relates that, just like no shortage of the flock, he's shirking the sugar for Lent:
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of the Catholic Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston will give up snacks and sweets — especially doughnuts...
But that's not all:
...and spend more time in meditative reading with the Gospels.
Just a reminder for the more procrastinatory among us -- narrator included -- who still have yet to hash our gameplan out that time's running short; hard as it is to believe, just over 72 hours remain.

PHOTO: Ellis Lucia/New Orleans Times-Picayune(1); Smiley N. Pool/(Removed by order of the) Houston Chronicle(2)
